2017 Habitat Cabinet Build Class Completes Construction

Habitat Home for the Holidays Cabinet Construction Complete!

The final workshop session for the Habitat Cabinet Build Class is now history. Students learned the tips and techniques for using Jigs and Templates to install drawer slides, pull out shelves, doors and external hardware pulls.

Once again our friends and partners at HGH Hardware Supply came through with a generous donation of premium hardware products which made the installation so much better to achieve. It was a long but satisfying day to see the efforts of the past several months come to together with such great looking cabinets!

The final session for the students and instructors will be the in-home installation of the cabinets in early December. Many thanks to the AWG Students and Volunteer Instructors for your time, dedication and skills to bring this year’s project home!

Be sure to check out the ABC 33/40 coverage of the Home for the Holidays news segments later in November and early December!

Posted in Education.

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